MAHAOUS WORK is a collaboration between Pascale Despax(alias Zoe) The singer,
and Charly Bonneau (Alias Mahaous), the composer of the Band.
After a classic parcours in music school, he is at esse with different instruments :
Guitar, Piano, Clarinet, Drums, Bass and extensive IT studies, facilities the creation of electronic music.
Parralle to a techno metal project, he decided to profit from his talent in a project that reflected himself :
In 2003, Mahaous meets Zoe, an energic singer with whom he hits it off instantly.
The strength and skill with her voice seduces him as well, 2 monthe later,
"Ton coeur bat pour moi" is born.
It is in 2006 that the first album from Mahaous Work "ELECTRIC PRESSURE" is relessed
From this point, MAHAOUS never stopped composing, and many other sounds were created...